So, the first of the “why did I order that” parcels arrived today. A Spirograph set ordered on a whim the other evening when I was shown some artwork online only for me to exclaim “I could do better than that with spirograph. But hey sometimes those silly purchases bring back some nice memories of your childhood/ younger years, so no harm done. Let’s face facts the shopping basket could have run into £££’s so actually not too bad all things considered.
Lockdown 3 I guess was always going to happen. The consensus that it was going to get worse before it will get better has unfortunately come true. Frustration, distress, lack of get up and go and general overeating and lack of exercise are being experienced right now. I keep telling myself though I am lucky and so many people are not able to say that right now. So, I will go back to my optimistic half glass full way of enjoying my shop owner’s life …. right after another packet of Hula Hoops and a glass of fizz.
I am of course dying to reopen the doors, selling online is great as it helps me have a daily routine and of course a good excuse to buy more lovely gift and home wares to put onto the website There I go again another shopping fix! I am really determined to restart the Dress Agency when I open again and although I will not have formal appointments for you to bring your items in to sell, there will be a new system to adhere to Government guidelines. More on this when it happens. I will be in the market for Spring wear and l will then like some colourful and/or unusual pieces to lift our spirits. If you are having a sort out, please bear me in mind for March/April.
It is difficult knowing what the fashion trends will be given most of us have lived in loungewear for months on end. I have a few suggestions to vary your daily wardrobe with just a couple of tweaks. Wear those jeans less and opt for midi length skirts, jumpsuits or corduroy trousers for equal comfort. Do not be afraid to wear a bit of sparkle everyday by dusting off that evening dress/ top as you can easily layer with a comfy knit to feel good about yourself. Scarves are big this year especially the square silk like ones. Other accessories need to be neutral, gold or monochrome. I was reading a piece today saying colour and pattern are HOT for S/S 2021 Yeah music to my ears. Worried that colour too much for your skin tone, start with the bottom half and give it a go. I am convinced trying lifts your overall mood and spirit which has got to be a good thing for us all.
Over the next few weeks, my goal will be to showcase pieces that will allow you to embrace 2021.
Do not forget to keep looking at the websites and for photos and details of new products plus the Instagram and Facebook pages. If you are lucky enough to walk pass the shop during exercise and something catches your eye do contact me and check if I am in the shop which is most days dealing with orders etc. I can post a gift on your behalf too and even have a chat to put together a gift for someone special.
For now, I will sign off but not before wishing you all a wonderful 2021 and good health and happiness to you.
Fiona x